Cagles Mill Guitar Tuner, as its name implies, is a guitar tuner. This application is designed to help us tune our six-string guitars. The user interface is quite basic and very simple to manage.
The first thing we should do is set the default tone that we wish to use from the preferences menu. We may also access/change the tones quickly from the options menu. The three tones available are electric, acoustic, and piano. Then, we can choose any of the strings available. After we have selected the string, we will be able to view the corresponding note for it, according to the American standard, that is E, A, D, G, B, and E. At the same time, this program will play that note, so that we can listen to it and tune our guitar by ear. The sound will be played as long as needed. If we want to it to stop or repeat the sound again, we can perform that. It is possible to set the sound volume by moving the sliding bar to the right or to the left.
There isn't a help guide of any kind. There is a fully-functional evaluation version that can be tested free of charge for a whole month. This utility may prove useful for those guitar players who can tune their guitars by ear.